

Asama-yama, Japan's largest sctive volcano, wreathed in smlphuraus ateam clouds, N.W. iron Ktsukake.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-037 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Worshippers crossing the semi-clrcular bridge to Kameido Temple beyond - looking north - Tokyo, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-038 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Modern improvements in on ancient city - W. over the Kamogawa at Shijo Bridge, Kyoto, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-039 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
A picturesque "toiler og the sea" with his curlous fishing net, bay of Masushima, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-040 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Looking S.E. from the plne - crowned heights of Suwa-yama over prospeus and lovely Kobe, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-041 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Peasant housewife wearing cotton - shuttle in hand ready to pass through the wrap - Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-042 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Pilgrim beggars heating little gangs - house cavered with drying corn, near Lake Kawaguchi, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-043 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
East over Mississippi Bay, where Perry came (r854) opening Japan to the world - near Yokohama.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-044 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
The groves were God's first temple - avenue of noble cryptom. Erias at Nikko, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-045 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Two relles abous the elouda - from Fuhiyama N.E. over Lake Yamanaka, 20 ralles away Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-046 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Workmen watching kilns full of precious Awata portelain, in the famous Kinkosan works, Kyoto, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-047 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
The Great Bell of Chion-in temple, 9th, diaetter, which has runs for nearly too years, Kyoto, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-048 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Little folks on their playground before the quaint village schoolhouse, Karuisawa, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-049 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Looking east from mlidera temple over Ousu and its famous canal to serene Lake Biwa, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-050 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
The warilke spirit in the youthful Tap - schoolboys in Ueno Park, Tokyo, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-051 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Feeding the Pigeons on the lovely Island of Miyajima,Japan
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-052 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
A potter and his wheel, fashioning a vase of A wats porealain - in the famous Kinkosan works, Kyoto, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-053 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
"Shall inot take mine ease in mime inn ?" - summer evening meal at hotel near Hirosima, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-054 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Expert workmen creating exquialte designs in cloisonne (Mr. Namikawa in background), Kyoto, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-055 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Medlaceal moated castle of Japanese prince, occasionally used by the Mikado Nagoya, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-056 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood