

Wayfarers resting under the pines at Srekawa - west along old post road from Tokyo to Kyoto, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-057 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Where falthful Buddhists lie at rest - cemetery near Kurodani monastery (north), Kyoto, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-058 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Warshippers cenders and doves, at south front of Asakusa Temple Tokyo, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-059 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Looking south from top of semt - clrcular bridge to main gateway to Shinto Temple, Kameido, Tokyo, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-060 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Expert workmen creating exquisito desighs in cloisonne (Mr. Namikawa in background), Kyoto, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-061 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Splashing waters of the casccade (Tamadera-no-taki) N.W. from its beautihul garden, Yumoto (hakone), Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-062 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Main Street (of atairs) up steep side of Mt.Haruna (S.W.) at famous cillage of hot springs, Ikao, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-063 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Dwarf pines and maples nearly 100 years old, treasured in Count Okuma's greenh, Tokyo, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-064 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Girl feeding sacred deer on her way to prayers - grounds of Kasuga temple, Nara, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-065 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Shinto Priests in funeral procession of Transport Hitachi Maru vivtims,Tokio,Japan
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-066 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Funeral Procession of Victims of Officers killed at Port Arthur―Infantry trailing arms―Hiroshima,Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-067 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Priests in Ikegami Temple, splendid with red and gold - boxes hold Buddhist screptures, Omori, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-068 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Awafeing another - Japanese camp hehfrd a hill four melles from Port Arthur/
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-069 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Wounded solders of the Third Imaperlal Japanese Arny, - going to the hospital at Dainy, Manchuria.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-070 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Conling the Pacific Mail S.S. "Siberia" at the fortified naval atation of Nagasaki, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-071 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
"Happy Land of the Rising San. Where Song Unceasing Flows"
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-072 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Looking S.E. from the pine crewned heights of Suwa-yama over prosperous and lovely Kobe, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-073 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Stately splender of the Tennoji Temple and Its many - roofed pagoda - looking S.W. - Osaka, Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-074 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
A camp of the Third Japanese Army in the Siege Line―looking N.W.to Hoozan Hill.―near Port Arthur.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-075 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood 
Under the Cherry Blossoms - looking N.E. along the main avenue of Shiba Park, Tokyo. Japan.
  • 資料番号:Ac1-172-076 
  • 種別:写真 
  • 年代: 
  • 制作・差出:Underwood & Underwood